Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Announcements: Updates

I. N e w   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Ablamskyi. Serhii, et al. »A Comparative Study of Wartime Rapes: The Experience of Bosna and Herzegovina and Ukraine.« Baltic Journal of Law & Politics 117 (2024): 136-162.

[Info] Babu, Saleem, et al. »Culture, Gender, Language and Literature: Parallel Observation in the Indian Literature and British.« EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 10 (2024): 902-904.

[Info] Barclay, Katie. »Malignant passions and carnal desires: Rape in long eighteenth-century Scotland.« Historical Research (July 11, 2024).

[Info] Bos, Pascale R. »Barter, Prostitution, Abuse? Reframing Experiences of Sexual Exchange during the Holocaust.« The Journal of Holocaust Research (August 26, 2024).

[Info] Brouillette, Christen H. The Sexual Psychopath: Masculinity, Gender Variance, and Paranoia in the Twentieth Century. M.A. Thesis, Wichita State University, 2024.

[Info] Buisker, Lauren L. »Erasing Race: Convenience Memories of Anita Hill and Rhetorics of White “Worthy Victimhood” in News Coverage of the Ford/Kavanaugh Hearings.« Southern Communication Journal (September 4, 2024).

[Info] Cassisa, Susanna L. Groomer Rumor: The Trope of the Queer Child Predator in German and American Popular Media (1869-2024). M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2024.

[Info] Clemens-Smucker, Judith. »Dealing with Trauma: The Feminist Progression of Suffering in Star TrekSpace, the Feminist Frontier: Essays on Sex and Gender in Star Trek. Edited by Jennifer C. Garlen et al. Jefferson 2024: 181-196.

[Info] de Sousa, Jhonathan J., et al. »A violência contra as mulheres: uma releitura a partir do caso de Amnon e Tamar narrado em 2 Samuel 13.« Coisas do Gênero 10 (2024): 220-237.

[Info] de Yarza, Carlos. »Star Trek: Where No Genre Has Gone Before: Application of Mittell's Television Genre Theory to the Star Trek Series.« Journal of Mulitdisciplinary Research 9 (2017): 73-80.

[Info] Dick, Angela N. »The Predicaments of Women in Yejide Kilanko’s Daughters Who Walk This PatGPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 7 (2024): 134-142.

[Info] Eglitis, Daina S. »Silences of Memory: Liberator Sexual Assault in the East at the End of World War II.« The Journal of Holocaust Research (August 22, 2024).

[Info] Etschenberg, Karla. »Fehleinschätzungen in der Sexualpädagogik.« Wege und Irrwege der Sexualpädagogik. Edited by Bernd Ahrbeck et al. Stuttgart 2024: 49-80.

[Info] Felten, Uta. »Sexualität und Alltag in den Siebzigern: Spielformen der Überschreitung in Catherine Breillats Une vraie jeune fille (1976) und Jean Eustaches La maman et la putain (1973).« Aufbruch und Gewalt: Klassiker im Kino der Romania der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre. Edited by Natasha Bianco et al. Marburg 2024: 173-185.

[Info] Felten, Uta. »Sexualität und Alltag in den Siebzigern: Spielformen der Überschreitung in Catherine Breillats Une vraie jeune fille (1976) und Jean Eustaches La maman et la putain (1973).« Aufbruch und Gewalt: Klassiker im Kino der Romania der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre. Edited by Natasha Bianco et al. Marburg 2024: 173-185.

[Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »Illegible Allegations: Navigating the Meanings of Rape in Colonial Algeria.« French Politics, Culture & Society 39 (2021): 59-82.

[Info] Loetz, Francisca. »Probleme mit der Sünde: Sexualdelikte im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit.« Gottlosigkeit und Eigensinn: Religiöse Devianz im konfessionellen Zeitalter. Edited by Eric Piltz et al. Berlin 2015: 207-236.

[Info] Mertz-Baumgartner, Birgit. »Männlichkeiten und Gewalt in Ana y los lobos (1972) von Carlos Saura.« Aufbruch und Gewalt: Klassiker im Kino der Romania der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre. Edited by Natasha Bianco et al. Marburg 2024: 207-220.

[Info] Perry, Lara, et al. »Against Sexual Violence in the Museum: Art, Curating, and Activism.« Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change 7(2) (2022).

[Info] Roberts, Robin. Sexual Generations: "Star Trek, the Next Generation" and Gender. 1999.

[Info] Tewari, Devyani. »Blurred Lines: Sexual Abuse (or not) in ‘Big Little Lies’.« Violence in Intimate Spaces: Law and Beyon. Edited by Pinki Mathur Anurag et al. Singapore 2024: 43-57.

[Info] Van Roost, Kaya, et al. »Changes in statutory rape laws across the United States from 2000 to 2021.« Preprint (August 2024).

[Info] Vieira, Ane C.A., et al. »Estupro e lei do minuto seguinte em Minas Gerais, Brasil: fatores sociodemográficos associados às profilaxias de emergência.« Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 29 (2024): 1-9.

[Info] Wanga, Siyi, et al. »Negotiating difficult (in)tangible heritage: the intricate journey of museum making for the “Dai-ichi Saloon” comfort station in Shanghai.« Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (August 30, 2024).

[Info] Zapf, Nora. »Jugend, Aufbruch und Gewalt in Buñuels Los olvidados (1950).« Aufbruch und Gewalt: Klassiker im Kino der Romania der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre. Edited by Natasha Bianco et al. Marburg 2024: 39-58.

2. Speaker Index

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Zum beredten Schweigen der Disziplin Erziehungswissenschaft in Geschichte und Gegenwart.« Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. Erkner 2023.

[Info] Brower, Benjamin. »Sexual Violence, Law, and Imperial Sovereignty in the Great Pilgrimage to Mecca.« 47th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Fort-de-France 2023.

[Info] Girard, Philippe. »The Executioner’s Wife: Marie Goyo and the Spectacle of Public Executions in 18th century Saint-Domingue.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024.

[Info] Herrera, Heidi. »She Does Not Want: Wartime Rape in Goya’s Disasters of War.« Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research. Cedar City 2018.

[Info] Hooker, Juliet, int. »Consent in the Presence of Force: Sexual Violence and Black Women's Survival in Antebellum New Orleans.« CSREA' New Book Talks. Providence 2023.

[Info] Horowitz, Sarah, chair. »Sexual Violence and Consent / Violence Sexuelle et Consentement.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024.

[Info] Idrissa, Moussa H. »Intimité des Officiers français et leurs soldats noirs avec les femmes noires dans Sarraounia de Manière Abdoulaye.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024.

[Info] Kaşıkçı, Mehmet V. »Gendering Starvation: Women's Experiences of the Kazakh Famine, 1930–1933.« 7th Summer Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society. Taschkent 2022.

[Info] Kuby, Emma. »The ‘Sensual Pleasure’ of Violence: French Discourses on Sexual Deviancy, Terror, and Torture in the Algerian War (1954‐1962).« 37th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Toronto 2011.

[Info] Matkowska, Justyna. »The Plight of Roma and Sinti Women: Sexual Violence during World War II in Occupied Poland.« UniRomnja. Berlin 2023.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. »An Abused Servant Girl or a Human Sacrifice Victim? The Affaire Télé, Colonial Disorder, and Gendered Culpability .« 45th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Longueuil 2019.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. »Clerical Sex Abuse and Abortion Scandals in Vodun Cult-Houses in Colonial Dahomey.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024.

[Info] Robin, Marie. »‘I was the only one who could help [my family]’: Transcolonial Trajectories, Trafficking and Narratives of French Military Sex Work in the First Vietnam War.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024.

II. R e v i s e d   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Kaşıkçı. Mehmet V. »Gendering starvation: Women's experiences of the Kazakh famine, 1930–1933.« Gender & History (August 12, 2024).

[Info] Owens, Emily A. Consent in the Presence of Force: Sexual Violence and Black Women's Survival in Antebellum New Orleans. Chapel Hill 2023.

2. Speaker Index

[Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »The Limits of 'Legal Pluralism': Consent, Rape, and Evidence in Colonial Algeria.« 45th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Longueuil 2019.

III. N e w   S u b d i r e c t o r i e s

Topical Index

1. Prosecution: Legislation: Lei do Minuto Seguinte

2. Cases: Fictional Offenders: Corisco, Tayo, Perry Wright; Fictional Victims: Morayo, Celeste Wright | Real Incidents: Real Offenders: James Boyd, Hugh Chisholm, Duncan Currie, David Gordon, William Johnstoune, James Sword, John Sword, John Wilson | Real Victims: Barbara Duncan, Olga Lengyel, Agnes McMillan, Janet Orr, Janet Taylor, Margaret Scott, Bethia Steel

3. Types: - Wartime Sexual Violence: First Indochina War

4. Offenders: -

5. Victims: Narratives: Five Chimneys

6. Society: Museums: Dai-ichi Saloon, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum | Organizations: Save Our Children

7. Research: Disciplines: Helmut Kentler

8. Representations: Art: David Hamilton, Nancy Spero | Films: Ana y los lobos, Deus e o diabo na terra do sol, Los olvidados | Literary Texts: Manière Abdoulaye, Yejide Kilanko